Altar Serving is For Boys Because Saying Mass is a Man’s Job
Wise cultures don’t let boys idle long – as boys that is. If you let them idle, that unnecessary phase of “adolescence” creeps in. ...

Mary’s Example for Men Taking the Risk of Faith
Anyone who has asked God to help them make big decisions in their life knows that there is a risk involved, because, many times, God does...

I Still Have Heroes: The Man in Black and The Men in Black
At age 75, I no longer have celebrity or athlete heroes. I’ve come to realize that they are simply men and women blessed with God-given...

When I was young....
When I was young, I never really thought much about God or religion. Like most children I had other things that were “more important” or...

Staying stable on the Ladder to Heaven
Staying Stable on a Tall Ladder, and Staying on the Ladder to Heaven Nick had no idea that he was giving me Spiritual Direction when he...

What Beer Can Teach Us
I’ve been speaking and writing about beer for years. Some people have asked if it’s really worth my time with all the important...

Websites for Catholic Men
I am sharing a few websites I have found for the Catholic Man while researching the Catholic Man Crisis. I hope you enjoy:...

When Exactly Did The Church Begin?
When did the Church actually begin? Undoubtedly, we have heard different answers to this important question throughout the years. Was it...

Too Many Crises or Just One?
Let me begin with a story, that you may have heard before. It concerns a father and his son. This man and his son had suffered a great...

Five Reasons Why the Church Needs Deacons Right Now
Many people don’t know exactly what deacons are or how they fit into the Church. This article provides five reasons why we need permanent...