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The Catholic “Man-Crisis” Factsheet

There is a serious “man-crisis” in the Catholic Church. It is widespread and serious. Unless the Church, including its bishops, priests and lay men begin to take notice and make the evangelization of Catholic men a priority, the Catholic Church in the west will decay, as more and more men abandon the Church. There can be no New Evangelization unless there is a New Emangelization, creating generations of Catholic men who are on fire for Jesus Christ and His Catholic Church. Here are some of the statistics that are part of a growing New Emangelization data base that documents the extent of the Catholic “man-crisis”:

Unchecked, the exodus of Catholic men from the faith is likely to continue as men become increasingly casual about Catholicism.

  • About 11 million adult men in the U.S. were raised Catholic but left the faith[1] and men are under-represented in the Church versus their share of the total population (46% of parishioners are male versus 49% of the population).[2]

Casual Catholic men lack passion for the faith.

  • They don’t believe that Catholicism is unique and essential for a happy life.

o 8 out of 10 men agree that “how one lives is more important than being a Catholic.”[3]

o 4 in 10 men believing that Catholicism does not have a “greater share of truths than other religions.”[4]

o Only 38% of Catholic men strongly agree that they are “proud to be Catholic.”[5]

o Only 26% of Catholic men consider themselves to be “practicing Catholics.” [6]

o Only 34% of Catholic men strongly agree that Catholicism is “among the most important part of life.” [7]

  • They don’t believe that the Sacraments and Devotions of Catholicism are important.

o Only 51% of Catholic men strongly agree that the “Sacraments are essential to their relationship with God.”[8]

o Only 32% of Catholic men strongly agree that the “Sacraments are essential to their faith.”[9]

o Many men are not moved by the Mass and are less moved than women across the various aspects of the Mass: the readings and the Gospel, homily, music, the Eucharist, prayer, worshiping with other people, the presence of God. [10]

o 48% of men agree that “Mass is boring”[11] and 55% agree that they “don’t get anything out of the Mass.”[12]

o Only 29% of men believe that weekly mass attendance is “very important.”[13]

o Only 28% of Catholic men believe that Confession is “very important”.[14]

o Only 31% of men strongly agree that it is very important to attend Mass on Holy Days. [15]

o Only 39% of men strongly agree that the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is very important.[16]

o Only 43% of Catholic men believe that it is “very important to help those in need.” [17]

o Only 30% of Catholic men believe it is “very important to have a Devotion to Mary” and only 23% believe it is “very important to have a devotion to the Saints.” [18]

o Only 37% of Catholic men strongly agree that “daily prayer is important”[19] and only 33% of Catholic men pray on a daily basis.[20]

o 49% of Catholic men feel that they “cannot explain their faith to others.”[21]

  • During the last 20 years, men have become less certain about being Catholic: in 1987, 50.1% men said they would “never leave the Church”[22]; in 2005 the number had fallen to 42.3%.[23] This means that almost 60% of Catholic men would consider leaving the Church; these men have become “Casual Catholics”, Catholics who are casual about the faith.

Catholic men’s ambivalence about Catholicism results in low involvement.

  • Only about 1/3 of Catholic men (33%) say they attend Mass on a weekly basis.[24]

  • One third of Catholic men (34%) are not formally members of a parish.[25]

  • A large portion (42%) of Catholic men attend Mass “a few times per year” or “seldom or never.”[26]

  • 75% of Catholics go to Confession “less than once a year” (30%) or “never” (45%).[27] While data is not available for men’s participation, is likely worse given that men are significantly less likely to believe that Confession is very important.[28]

  • Almost half of Catholic men do not engage in a routine of prayer; praying only “occasionally or sometimes” or “seldom or never.”[29]

  • 83% of Catholic men rarely or never participate in a parish activity outside of the Mass.[30]

For comparison, Catholic men are less passionate about faith than other Christian men.

  • Less than half of Catholic men (48%) feel that “religion is very important in their lives; this compares to 74% for Evangelical men.”[31]

  • Only about 4 in 10 Catholic men (43%) have an absolutely certain belief in a personal God; this compares to 69% of evangelical men.[32]

  • Less than half of Catholic men (48%) pray outside of worship services, which compares to 71% of Evangelical men.[33] Clearly, there is a “passion problem” among Catholic men.

The prevalence of so many Casual Catholic men matters, for it will further weaken the Church in future years.

  • Catholic parents are doing a poor job at passing along the faith to their children,[34] especially fathers.[35]

  • Indeed, less than 50% of men (47.5%) strongly agree that it is important for their children to be Catholic.[36]

  • This is troubling since younger people are becoming increasingly vulnerable to leaving the Catholic Church, particularly young men. In 1987, 41.6% of 18-29 year olds agreed with the statement “I would never leave the Church”;[37] by 2005, only 17.8% of those 18-30 years said they’d “never leave the Church.”[38] This means that an astounding 82.2% of young people would consider leaving the Church.

  • Males are particularly vulnerable to leaving the Church; 15% of the U.S. population have left religion and are now “unaffiliated”; the largest portion of this growing group are males who were formerly Catholic.[39]

The loss of Catholic men and the growing numbers of Casual Catholic men have other negative effects on parishes and the Church.

  • Fewer men reduce the pool for priestly and religious male vocations.

  • Lower levels of active adult men also influences young men to become disengaged from the Church. The “face” of the Church is feminine; men are underrepresented in the pews (only 37% of regular mass attendees are men).[40]

  • Further, a Notre Dame study shows that 70-90% of catechesis, service, bible study activities are led by women, causing the authors to suggest that “young males…assume that serious religious studies are a women’s business,” resulting in greater numbers of younger men being disengaged.[41]

  • Men are needed for healthy and growing parishes; research shows that congregations with greater portions of men are more likely to be growing.[42]

  • Men are much more influential in the conversion of their families than women. Research shows that when a woman converts to Christianity, 17% of the time the whole family converts. When a man converts, 93% of the time the whole family converts.[

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