Election Day Survival Guide with Chris Stefanick
In this episode, I offer a Catholic perspective on voting, why it is even important to vote, and how we must approach our brothers and...

Don’t Shoot For The Stars. Shoot For Heaven
The historic timing of Jesus’ coming was not random. He came, as Scripture puts it, “in the fullness of time” (Gal. 4:4). What does that...

Will the men “break” or will they lead? The historic opportunity of COVID
The opening chapter of The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, begins during the dustbowl when dry weather, over-tilling, and high winds...

Why Leisure?
By Dr. Karel Sovak During this COVID-19 crisis, many will spend their time in leisure – or they should. With so many cancellations, in...

Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!
We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your...

Design a Stunning Blog
When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out...

Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...

New daily prayer resource for Advent
Brothers - I hope you have been enjoying a blessed Thanksgiving with your families As we move forward into Advent, I wanted to share a...
2019 Exult Rochester October 19th
https://www.exultrochester.org/2019/ 2019 Rochester Catholic Men’s Conference Rebuilding the Family At Home, Through the Church, and In...

What I’m Giving Up For Lent This Year: Control
One of the most noticeable changes in the liturgical calendar following the Second Vatican Council was the removal of the pre-lenten...