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What I’m Giving Up For Lent This Year: Control

One of the most noticeable changes in the liturgical calendar following the Second Vatican Council was the removal of the pre-lenten season of Septuagesima. This short season consisting of only three Sundays – Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima – served a preparatory function as the Church embarked on the penances of Lent. The Gloria ceased to be recited, the “alleluia” was buried, and the vestments changed from green to violet and remained so until the Triduum.

At my parish where the Extraordinary Form of the Mass is exclusively offered, we still celebrate this short season in preparation for the coming 40 days of prayer, penance, and almsgiving. One of the most common and time-honored Lenten practices is, of course, to “give up” something. I have sometimes found it difficult to come up with something (besides chocolate) to which I am so attached that it would truly be a sacrifice to do without. This year, it wasn’t until the final Sunday before Lent, Quinquagesima, when I discovered what I needed to give up for Lent: Control.

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